Thursday, December 20, 2012

The College Tours Begin

One last thing Dominique and I did over last summer break before marching band consumed all of our lives was tour SMU (Southern Methodist University) in Dallas. She is a junior in high school this year and we figured it was time to start looking around at universities of interest. SMU has a great music school. Dominique decided long ago that she wants to major in music at the college level. She has been passionate about music from a very young age. She started piano at 6, flute at 11, taken some lessons in trombone, and has taught herself guitar, ukulele, and accordion. She even borrowed an old clarinet from a friend to play on as well. 

We arrived at SMU and went on a tour with a group. It was a fairly long tour and we even had the opportunity to have lunch on campus during the break. After the break we toured the music school and got to speak with an actual student.  Dominique fell in love with the school. What is there not to love at a private university? I had to inform her that not all schools are alike and that she needed to tour others as well. We both enjoyed the tour.



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