Sunday, December 16, 2012

Holiday Photo Session - Nov. 2012

This year we decided to have a family friend take pictures for our cards we send out. Last year we were so busy that we didn't even send out cards. I figured it would be easier than Tom setting up the camera on a stand and setting the timer after I get everyone in position. Tom would then have to run back to fit in the picture.  All the running around and posing makes my family crabby and nutty. We all hate taking pictures. This year was a breath of fresh air. The kids were still not thrilled, but not as crabby.  I wanted to dress everyone in coordinating colors. I had a plan. We went out to the store. I got hit with arguments and didn't feel like putting up a fight, so I just decided not to worry about it. I still think the pictures came out pretty good. Thank you Charlton Gladden for taking our photos! I am posting some of my favorites. You can click on them to see the larger image.






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